我在網頁上晃一下才發現, 原來對岸有放麥媽(Katherine Jackson)出的書.

之前就知道這本書的存在, 但現在才發現原來已經出現在網路上了~


《Never Can Say Goodbye: The Katherine Jackson Archives




這本書是在麥可去世之後出的, 麥媽覺得世人都不了解他的兒子,

所以出了這本書, 希望讓更多人瞭解他 

麥媽也是個好人, 麥可很多個性都遺傳她: 善良、害羞、體貼...


不過據了解, 台灣還沒有發行中文版的, 要買還得跨國買...

英文全文也就算了, 價錢還要五十幾美金!!!! 晃一下Ebay, 還有人出價一百多美金的... 



而對岸把那整本書的全文都貼上去了!!  棒到不行!!! 照片也貼了, 真的是很稀有幾乎很少見的照片!!! (98%)

不過因為版權問題, 不方便貼上來 ... 內文也太多了, 都是英文全文, 看完之前可能會先瘋掉... 

所以我只貼了片段的句子, 小翻一下! (提醒: 程度並沒有很好, 可能有錯誤的地方請多加指導) 

剩下的如果有興趣的人再自己去看囉~~~~ (看不懂可以看圖!! )


我自己是沒看完啦(其實也閃過幾頁而已...), 除了看得很累之外, 



內文取自於: http://www.mjjasia.com/show.aspx?&id=5793&cid=65 


I always felt that Michael had talent,

but I had no idea that he would achieve the level of success he did.

我一直都感覺的到麥可很有天分, 但我根本不知道他竟然可已達到如此成功的境界.


Michael’s vocal range was wvolving naturally toward what is now known as the signature sound of the group.

At the time, Joseph was hesitant to let his young son bear the weight of center stage,

but with my persuasion, he eventually allowed Michael to assist Jermaine on lead vocals.


在那時候, 傑瑟夫(麥可之父)在猶豫是否要讓他的小兒子去承受成為舞台中心的重擔 

但在我的勸說之下, 他最後同意讓麥可去協助傑曼(麥可之三哥)當主聲.


With Joseph’s direction,

the boys practiced three times per week and performed at local gigs in the Gary and Chicago areas.


孩子們每個星期都要練習三次, 並且在蓋瑞(Gary)和芝加哥(Chicago)地區的當地演奏會上表演.


A quiet house was a drastic change for me …

I missed having dinner with the entire family every night like we used to before the beginning of the boy’s professional careers.

對我來說, 這個安靜的小房子有個戲劇化的改變 ... 

在這些孩子開始他們的專業的職業之前, 我就失去了和整個家庭如同往常一起共用晚餐的機會.


Even though most people saw him as musically gifted and mature for his age,

Michael was also as gregarious as most other children.




I was especially proud of watching my son’s early development into stardom,

because he did a lot of things that you wouldn’t expect as child his age to do.

For instance, at a mere six years old, Michael was able to pick up choreography quickly.

He was a natural. He also surprised and impressed musical coaches with his ability to sing in harmony without any formal training.



舉個例子, 就在他僅僅只有六歲的年紀, 麥可就對舞蹈感到得心應手了.

他是很有天賦的. 他也讓音樂老師感到驚訝並且印象深刻,



Michael had a generous nature about him. And even at a young age,

he had an entrepreneurial spirit too.

麥可天生就很慷慨大方. 即使在年紀很小的時候, 



One day, Michael and I watched a film about the less fortunate children in Africa.

The state of their lives brought us both to tears.

Michael, sympathetic at the age of 14, turned to me and said:

”One day, mother, I’m going to do something about this.”

有天, 麥可和我正在看非洲那些不幸的孩子的影片.


麥可, 在十四歲就很有同情心, 他轉過頭對我說:

"哪天, 媽, 我一定要為此做點什麼."


Several years later, he did. Michael surprised me on a trip to New York City.

We drove out to the airport hangar I witnessed boxes of food, goods,

and emergency supplies being loaded onto several planes lining the tarmac.

I was proud to know that my son followed through on his words.

幾年之後, 他確實做到了. 麥可在紐約的旅程當中讓我感到很訝異.

我們開車到飛機棚, 我親眼見到裝著食物, 貨品,







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